Addiction: A Double-Edged Sword

Addiction comes in many forms, and not all are bad. In fact, addictions to activities like golf, fishing, and other hobbies can make life extra special, giving the addicted an extra reason for living. While substance addictions can rewire our brain's responses around the addictive substance, the same principle applies to activities. However, an addiction to golf, for instance, is a healthy addiction, not one that guarantees a bad ending like substance addictions do.

It is a fact: "There is no greater high than one that comes from within us during an extreme moment of real life." Why are we more extreme than a substance high? Because the buzz doesn't require a substance to feel it—the drug is you, living life to the maximum pleasure. No drug can replicate this.

We seek extreme pleasure through drugs just as we do through activities, but the pleasure from within ourselves is different. While drugs might give us pleasure, they also have the potential to kill us. In contrast, activities not only give us pleasure but also define us. There are two highs, but only one life. It is your choice: define yourself with activities and live, or destroy yourself with substances.